Audits and training courses in digital accessibility
Access-Man acts as an independent expert to assist you!
Article 47 of the law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people, frames the obligations in terms of digital accessibility.
The General Accessibility Improvement Reference System (RGAA) defines the technical modalities.
Who ?

All legal entities of public law.

All legal entities of private law :

- With a public service delegation.

- Non-profit with a general interest mission of service to the public and/or service for people with disabilities.

- With a turnover of more than 250 million euros.
What ?
The digital media concerned are :
- Internet, intranet and extranet sites
- Software packages
- Digital service
- Digital applications
Obligations ?
The obligations arising from the RGAA require the publication :
- A declaration of accessibility,
- A multi-annual plan for a maximum of 3 years,
- An annual action plan.
The rate of compliance with the accessibility rules and the non-conformities must appear accompanied by the actions in progress and to come.
Our Support



The audit is carried out within 15 days and according to the methodology of the Digital Department (DINUM). We provide a solution for each non-conformity identified.


Specify and Assess

We intervene during the creation, the redesign or the use of a website, a digital service or an application.