Everything you need to know about the navigation assistance offered on the pages 

of and digital accessibility.

Navigation help

Back to the home page

The ACCESS-MAN logo allows you, with a simple click, to return to the home page.

Search engine

On all pages, the search engine input field is placed at the top of the page.

When you perform a search, the search engine lists the pages of that best match your expectations.

Tab navigation

You can navigate from one link to another using the “Tab” key (press the “Tab” key and repeat until you select the desired link, validate with the “Enter” key).


You can bookmark any page on this site. To do so, go to the desired page, then, in the menu bar at the top of the browser :

  • In Google Chrome: click on Favorites > Add to favorites ;
  • In Mozilla Firefox: click on Bookmark > Bookmark this page;
  • In Safari: click Bookmarks > Add to bookmarks;
  • In Internet Explorer: click on Bookmarks > Add to Bookmarks;
  • In Opera: click Bookmarks > Bookmark this page.

Keyboard users, press “Ctrl” + “D” on your keyboard if you are on a PC, or “Cmd” + “D” if you are on a Mac.

Browser compatibility

This website follows the recommendations made by the W3C and is HTML 5 and CSS3 compatible.

It is therefore accessible via many browsers:

  • On Windows : Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8, 7 ;
  • On Mac OS X : Opera, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Chrome ;
  • On Linux: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chromium.

Compatibility with different screen types

Website has been designed in responsive design and now adapts to all types of screens: smartphone and tablet.

Colors and pictures

The website offers sufficiently high color contrasts for easy reading as well as alternative texts to the images and animations present.

What is digital accessibility?

The redesign of was designed to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Thus, any Internet user must be able to access all of the site’s content without his or her physical or cognitive disability, equipment or connection performance being an obstacle.

In order to be accessible and compatible with the different means of navigation (navigation without mouse, without keyboard) as well as to people with disabilities using specialized software or hardware (voice reader, Braille display) or requiring the personalization of the site’s display (enlarging characters, modifying contrasts), has begun its process towards 100% compliance with the General Accessibility Guidelines for Public Administrations (RGAA 4.1).


Content accessibility and compliance with web standards

Digital accessibility standards include the following requirements:

  • font sizes can be enlarged and reduced;
  • Images have alternative text when required;
  • Titles are set on several levels;
  • It is possible to navigate this site without using the mouse by using tab navigation;
  • The color contrasts can be customized;
  • The pages are correctly structured and uniform, both in terms of graphics and editorial line;
  • External links (leading to the exit of the site) are marked with a symbol ;
  • The pages are organized to be fully functional, even if your browser does not support JavaScript;
  • The forms are accessible from any support (desktop, tablet, cell phone);
  • The layout of the site is separated from its content through the use of style sheets. The use of CSS positioning properties, by totally separating presentation and content, allows documents to keep a coherent order outside CSS: title, menus, content, etc.

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